Ndiho Disability Agency

Providing Tailored Supports

Ndiho believes in inclusion for all and provides tailored and specialised disability support solutions enabling their clients to thrive. Ndiho promotes independence, enable capacity building and growth, and focus on freedom for all. Ndiho are experts in delivering high quality, responsive and complex supports utilising our experienced, professional, caring and community minded multidisciplinary team.

We provide outstanding disability care for the Adelaide community

Every service is tailored to ensure our clients receive the absolute highest level of care, support and friendship. Our goal is to broaden the opportunities and overall quality of life for those that need an extra helping hand. We value what you bring to the community!

Friendly and Respectful

We are committed to providing you with the best possible care in a respectful, friendly environment.

Tailored Care

We know that everyone is different, and that’s why we offer a variety of tailored services to help you live your best life.

Passionate Team

We are a passionate group of people with a goal to help loved ones maintain their independence as long as possible.

Quality Support

We are committed to helping your family through the challenges of caring for a loved one with disabilities.

About us

Care that meets your needs

At Ndiho Disability Agency, we offer high quality in-home and community support services that are tailored specifically to individuals and their needs. We take the time to understand your circumstances, interests, struggles and goals to help you build or maintain your independence, and develop skills that can enhance your quality of life.

What we offer

Our services

Community Nursing Services
Direct Care Services
Support Coordination
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